By classification, there are folks that do not limit themselves to a certain label in the LGBT community. They do not specifically stick themselves to either being a boy or a girl. These fellows are our friends that define themselves as either Gender Queer and Gender Fluid. On a quick note, Gender Fluid people are a dynamic bunch that is a mix of a boy and girl. They are open to any gender and preference. Gender Queer on the otherhand, are also called as non-binary, expressing themselves in a combination of masculine, feminine or neither traits. Having these group of unique individuals in the community gives way to Spangla Designs idea of a special underwear design both for the Gender Queer and Gender Fluid.
The Spangla Designs Gender Queer mens underwear collection presents a harmonious mix of light shades of purple, green and white in a stripes design, almost resembling the pattern of a rainbow flag. The colour itself makes it more distinct from other classifying colours of the LGBTQI community. Available in thongs and g-string mens underwear designs made with stretch spandex lycra, making it comfortable for all day everyday wear.

Gender Fluid mens underwear collection from Spangla Designs show a more striking combination of colours in black, blue, violet, pink and white. This design is striking on its own and also makes a distinct look to whoever wears it. The same with the Gender Quees mens underwear collection, the Gender Fluild mens underwear collection is available in thongs and g-strings of the same material. Should you choose it to wear to any activity, it will surely keep up with you as it is made of high quality and sturdy material.

Spangla Designs reaches out to all genders with their mens underwear and mens lingerie pieces, making them a versatile and welcoming brand that is readily available online. Johnnies Closet presents this remarkable brand alongside other well-known mens underwear brands that present a huge selection of mens underwear pieces that you can order and have delivered right at your doorstep in very DISCREET PACKAGING. For more mens underwear, mens lingerie, costumes and themed underwear designs, visit Johnnies Closet today!